Strengthening planning policy for brownfield development

Closed 26 Mar 2024

Opened 13 Feb 2024


This consultation seeks views on changes to national policy to strengthen planning support for brownfield development, and ensure we make the best use of land. The document looks to consult on 3 proposals:

  • Changes to national planning policy to give significant weight to the benefits of delivering as many homes as possible and take a flexible approach in applying planning policies or guidance relating to the internal layout of development.
  • Changes to the way the Housing Delivery Test operates in the 20 towns and cities subject to the uplift in the standard method. This would introduce an additional presumption trigger where their Housing Delivery Test score falls below 95%. In these circumstances the Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development would apply to applications on previously developed land.
  • Reviewing the threshold for referral of applications to the Mayor of London.