Private rented sector (England) tenant survey

Closed 17 Nov 2021

Opened 3 Nov 2021


Thank you for taking the time to open our survey. There are a maximum of 20 questions and it should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.

The survey is aimed at those with experience renting privately in England, or those who are considering renting privately in the near future (private renting is where you rent a property from a private landlord/company and not a social landlord/council).

Why your views matter

In the Queen’s Speech, the Government committed to bringing forward reforms to drive improvements in standards in privately rented accommodation and supporting local authorities to conduct well targeted, effective enforcement that drives out criminal landlords. 

As part of the Government’s commitment to explore the merits of a national landlord register, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities are engaging with a range of stakeholders across the private rented sector.

This survey will inform this work and help us to further understand the difficulties individuals face when renting, letting or enforcing property standards in the Private Rented Sector.

What happens next

The inital research exercise will complete in December 2021. The findings from this survey of private tenants and other sources of research will be used to inform next steps and further engagement.